The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is an international, online, Open Access and peer-reviewed journal that disseminates artistic research from all disciplines. JAR invites the ever-increasing number of artistic researchers to develop what for the sciences and humanities are standard academic publication procedures. It serves as a meeting point of diverse practices and methodologies in a field that has become a worldwide movement with many local activities.
JAR18 includes the following contributors:
Usoa Fullaondo, What
Can a Process Do? a Passage from Ritual to Rituality
Christine Hansen, 50 Billion Micrograms. In the Search of the Aftermath of an Event
Katrina Brown, Translucent Surface/Quiet Body, Redistributed
Alexander Nevill, Passages of Light: Analogue and Digital Moving Image Installation
Emma Cocker, Nikolaus Gansterer, Mariella Greil-Moebius and Simona Koch, Choreo-graphic Figures: Scoring Aesthetic Encounters
Keywords include: affect, animal, choreography, expanded cinema, flatbed
picture plane, haptic visuality, how-ness, media archeology, media arts,
memory, meteorite, moving image, photography, rituality, science fiction, site,
Take a look at JAR18 and read
the full editorial.