Writings is interested in the crossing of meanings, how the modes/mediums of
processing information and languages affects understanding. Pretentious
Writings invited artists working with text or interested in thinking as a form
of artistic medium, for sensing in their approaches how the issues of
translation, conversion, and meaning formation are embedded into visual strategies.
Pretentious Writings has gathered multiple diverse authorial contributions into
a non-pretentious publication with a format that is part fanzine, part feel of
a gathering of friends.
André Alves (ed.), Ângelo Ferreira de Sousa, Chris Reeves, Cynthia Gregory, Danielle van Zuijlen, Diego Vites, Eduardo Leitão, Emma Cocker, Francesco Ventrella, Maria Sottomayor, Natalie Calderón, Not-Wolf, Patrick Coyle, Ricardo Castro, Valter Ventura